
YellowScan Mapper Integrated LiDAR System



The YellowScan Mapper UAV LiDAR system is equipped with a high-performance Livox Horizon laser scanner from Livox, a DJI-backed company. With a great point density, this LiDAR sensor allows our LiDAR system to fly easily at 70m AGL with a 120m swath.

We recommend a balanced 10 m/s flight speed to benefit from the Mapper’s point density while being productive.  For example, flying at 70m AGL, 10 m/s, with 20% side overlap, you will be able to map 10 ha in 3 minutes.

YellowScan LiDAR Payloads

YellowScan builds solutions that ensure high quality data for 3D mapping applications.

Underwater and Ground Topogrophy

The YellowScan Navigator and YellowScan CloudStation

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Introduction to CloudStation Data Processing on the Mapper+

Watch as Chris from Terrestrial Imaging gives an introduction to LiDAR processing with CloudStaton and POSPac

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